This is the Last Will and Testament of me Isaac Sparks of Forthington (Fordington) in the County
of Dorset Gentleman made and published this twelfth day of
January in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred
and eighty eight.
First: and principally I commend my soul into the hands of Almighty God hoping to obtain eternal life through the alone merits and mediation of Jesus Christ my Saviour And I will that my body shall be interred in the like decent manner as my late father was buried at the discretion of my executors hereinafter named And as to such worldly estate and effects with which God has been pleased to bless me I dispose of as follows: Whereas: by indenture dated on or about the twenty seventh day of October one thousand seven hundred and sixty six and made between me the said Isaac Sparks and Miriam my wife of the one part and John Jacob of Dorchester (3) in the said County mercer and Joseph Manuel of Bloxworth (4) in the said County Gentleman of the other part after writing that on my marriage with the said Miriam who was the sister of the said Joseph Manuel the sum of one thousand pounds was secured to be paid by Joseph Manuel Gentleman Squire deceased father of the said Miriam as her 'Marriage Portion' and that it was agreed between the parties that a competent provision should be made for the said Miriam in case she should survive me, It is witnessed that in consideration of the said marriage and 'Marriage Portion' so secured to me as aforesaid And for the other considerations therein mentioned I the said Isaac Sparks did demise and grant to the said John Jacob and Joseph Manuel the brother all that my Farm and Manor Lands and hereditaments of and in Langton Herring in the said County with their appurtenances to hold for ninety nine years if the said Miriam my wife should survive me and should so long live In Trust to raise an annuity or yearly rent charge of forty pounds of lawful money clear of all deductions for the said Miriam and her assigns for her life by four quarterly payments as therein mentioned the same to be accepted in lieu and bar of dower as hereby may appear Now: I hereby ratify and confirm such grant of the said annuity or yearly rent charge on condition that my said wife do and shall within three months after my decease execute a proper release unto my heirs and devisees of all her dower and thirds out of and in all my freehold lands and hereditaments whatsoever and accept the said annuity or yearly rent charge and all other provision hereby made for her in her and full satisfaction of the same And whereas I am seized or possessed of certain copyhold messuage tenements following (to wit) the 'Swan Inn' in Forthington (Fordington) aforesaid a tenement at Rime(5) in the said County called 'Ivor Hill' and the dwellinghouse garden and malthouse in Forthington (Fordington) aforesaid wherein I now dwell parcels of the Manors of Forthington (Fordington) and Rime(5) in the said County And by the Customs of the said Manors my said Wife in case she survives me will be entitled to the said premises for her widowhood Now: I do hereby confirm the same to her for her widowhood accordingly And I do hereby give her all such rent of the said copyhold tenements as may be due to me from the several investments thereof at my decease Here I give to my said Wife the use of all my plate silver china household goods furniture and implements of householdry of every kind (except the bed and furniture thereof hereinafter bequeathed to my daughter Sarah) during so long time as she may remain my Widow and unmarried and on her second marriage or death which ever shall first happen I will and direct that the same and every part thereof shall such into and become part of my residuary personal estate and be subject to the bequest thereof hereinafter mentioned Here I give and bequeath all that my copyhold messuage tenement and farm situate at Langton Herring aforesaid called 'Langton Higher Farm' now in the occupation of James Hardy as tenant thereof unto my two sons William and Isaac Sparks their executors administrators and assigns for and during all my estate and interest therein, In trust however for my son Joseph Sparks and my daughters Lucy Sparks, Martha Sparks ,and Miriam Sparks and the survivors and survivor of them for and during such my estate and interest as aforesaid And my Will is and I hereby direct my said sons William and Isaac Sparks and the survivors of them as executors and administrators during the respective minorities of my said daughters to receive and take so much of the rents and profits of the copyhold premises last mentioned as may belong to such minors of my said daughters respectively and pay and apply the same for her or their maintenance and education or so much thereof as may be thought necessary for that purpose until they shall severally attain their ages of twenty one years and to lay out the surplus of such rents at interest on government or real securities in order to accumulate for the benefit of my said daughters during their respective minorities and to be paid and transferred to them when they shall respectively attain their age of twenty one years Item: I give and bequeath all that my copyhold messuages or tenement situate within and parcel of the Manor of Rime (5)aforesaid called 'Ivor Hill' (subject to the widowhood of my said Wife therein as aforesaid) unto my said daughter Martha Sparks for all my estate and interest therein Item: I give the said copyhold tenement called 'The Swan Inn' in Forthington (Fordington) aforesaid (subject to my said Wife's widowhood therein as aforesaid) unto my daughter Sarah Sparks for and during so much of my estate and interest as shall expire in her lifetime And from and after her decease I give the same premises to my son William Sparks all that dwellinghouse wherein I now dwell situated in Forthington (Fordington) aforesaid with the malthouse and garden thereunto belonging being also copyhold for all my estate and interest therein (subject to my said Wife's widowhood estate therein) to my said son Isaac Sparks all my reversionary estate and interest of and in all that copyhold tenement situate at Rime (5)aforesaid called 'Hills Tenement' Item: I give to my daughter Lucy Sparks all my reversionary estate and interests to {obliterated} of and in all that copyhold tenement within and parcel of the Manor of Forthington (Fordington) aforesaid called a 'Farthinghold' Item: I give to my said son Joseph all my estate and interest of and in all that tenement called 'Bonnitts' at Rime(5) aforesaid now held by me for the life of James Powell Item: I give to each of my three daughters Lucy, Martha and Miriam the sum of three hundred pounds apiece to be paid them respectively by my executors hereinafter named on their severally attaining their respective ages of twenty one years and if any or either of my said three daughters shall die before her or their respective legacy or legacies shall become payable then the legacy or legacies of her or them so dying to go to the survivors or survivor of them on her or their attaining her or their age or ages of twenty one years and the interest thereof in the mean time to be applied for their respective maintenance and education provided nevertheless that in case said Wife shall refuse within three months next after my decease on request made by the devicees of my freehold lands and hereditaments to execute such proper release or releases of all her dower and thirds to which she may be entitled into or out of all and every my lands and hereditaments Item: I give to my said three daughters last named the sum of two hundred pounds a piece only instead of the sum of three hundred pounds a piece as above mentioned Item: I give and bequeath unto my said daughter Martha the sum of one hundred and fifty pounds in lieu of and to make good and supply what was intended to have been given her by my late Father's Will but omitted Item: I give and bequeath to my said daughter Sarah the bed and furniture thereto belonging where she now lodges And whereas by virtue of a Covenant or Agreement contained in my Marriage Settlement with my first Wife the late deceased mother of my said daughter Sarah the sum of one thousand pounds will become payable to her my said daughter after my decease Now : I do hereby charge and subject my freehold Manor Farm and Lands at Langton Herring afors'd and hereinafter devised to my said son William Sparks with the payment of the sum of two hundred and fifty pounds part thereof and my Manor Farm and Lands at Kisworth in the Parish of St Martin in the Borough of Wareham in the said County of Dorset and hereinafter devised to my said son Isaac Sparks with the sum of Seven hundred and Fifty pounds the Residue of the said sum of One Thousand Pounds Item : I give to my said Wife her executors and administrators one annuity or yearly rent charge of Eight Pound clear of all deductions by two equal half yearly payments to commence on my death and to be continued and paid until my daughter Miriam shall attain her age of twenty one years when the same is to cease In Trust to pay the same to and for her use and benefit of my said daughter Miriam And I direct that the said annuity or yearly rent charge be payable half yearly in each year by equal portions (vizt) Midsummer Day and Christmas Day the first payment thereof to be made on such of the said Days as shall first happen next after my decease And I do charge my Messuage or Dwelling House with the hereditaments and appurtenances situate in the Parish of Saint Peter in Dorchester in the said County and herein is after devised with the payment thereof with the power of distress and sale in case of non payment thereof as in cases of nonpayment of rent and when and as soon as my said daughter Miriam shall attain such her age of twenty one years and the said annuity will thereon cease Item : I give and bequeath to my said daughter Miriam the further sum of One Hundred and Fifty Pounds and do hereby charge my said messuage or dwelling house with the hereditaments and appurtenances in St Peters in Dorchester aforesaid with the payment thereof accordingly But in case my said daughter Miriam shall die before the said sum of One Hundred and Fifty pounds shall become payable then the same to sink and not be raised or charged on the said premises Item : I give to my said Wife one annuity or yearly rent charge of Ten Pounds clear of all deductions for and during the term of her natural Life by two like equal half yearly payments (vizt) Midsummer Day and Christmas Day the first Payment thereof to be made on such of the said Days as shall first happen next after my decease And I do hereby charge my said freehold Manor Farm and lands at Kisworth aforesaid with the payment thereof accordingly with power of distress and sale in case of non-payment thereof as before mentioned Item : I give and devise all that my said Manor and Farm situate and lying at Langton Herring aforesaid the said Farm now being in the occupation of John Jerrard as my tenant thereof with all the messuage's cottages lands and hereditaments in the said Parish of Langton Herring with the appurtenances thereto respectively belonging and also all my estate and interest in the advowson and right of presentation in and to the Rectory or Parish is called Church of Langton Herring aforesaid (subject to the several charges thereon by this my Will as aforesaid) unto my said son William Sparks and his assigns for and during the term of his natural life without impeachment of waste (except voluntary and permissive waste in houses) And from and after the determination of that estate by forfeiture or otherwise to my good friends John Light Banger of Waterston in the Parish of Puddletown in the said County Esquire and William Churchill of Dorchester aforesaid Esquire and their heirs during the natural life of my said son William Sparks In Trust to preserve their contingent uses and estates hereinafter devised and limited from being defeated or destroyed And for that purpose to make entries and bring actions as occasion may require but nevertheless to permit and suffer my said son William Sparks and his assigns to receive the rents and profits of the said premises during his life and from and after the decease of my said son William Sparks subject as aforesaid unto my Cousin John Pinchard of of Shapwick in the said County Gentleman and Thomas Fisher of Dorchester aforesaid grocer their executors administrstors and assigns for the term of Five hundred years to and upon such Trusts and for such ends and purposes as hereinafter expressed concerning the same and subject thereto and to the other charges aforesaid I give to the said Manor Farm lands and premises at Langton Herring aforesaid and advowson or Right of Presentation with the hereditaments and appurtenances unto the First and every other son and sons of the body of the said William Sparks lawfully to be begotten severally successively and in remainder one after another in order and course as they shall be in priority of birth and seniority of age and the heirs of the body and bodies of all and every such son and sons respectively lawfully issuing the eldest of such sons and the heirs of his body being to be preferred before the younger of such sons and the heirs of his and their body and bodies And In default such heir I devise the said Manor Farm lands and premises of Langton Herring aforesaid and advowson or Right of Presentation with the appurtenances (subject as aforesaid) unto all and every the daughter and daughters of the body of my said son William Sparks lawfully to be begotten in Manor hereinafter mentioned (that is to say) If only due such daughter [added above: to such only daughter] and the heirs of her body lawfully issuing But if there shall be two or more such daughters the to and amongst such daughters and the heirs of their bodies lawfully issuing as tenants in common and not as joint tenants And in default of such issue I devise the same into and to the use of my said son Isaac Sparks his heirs and assigns for ever subject as aforesaid And also charges and chargeable as to the last limitation remainder or reversion to my said son Isaac in case such remainder or reversion ever becomes rested in line in heirs or assigns with the Payment of the clear annuity or yearly rent charge of twenty five Pounds to my said Son Joseph Sparks and his assigns for his life to commence from the time such remainder or reversion becomes so rested and be payable quarterly by even and equal proportions with power of distress and sale of such distress or distresses when and so often as the same shall be in arrear and unpaid And as to the said term of Five hundred years so limited as aforesaid to the said John Pinchard and Thomas Fisher I hereby declare it is my Will that the same is so limited to them In Trust that they my said Trustees and the Survivor of them his executors and administrators shall and do by sale or Mortgage of the said Premises or any part thereof raise and levy such sum or sums and so much money for the portion and portions of a daughter or daughters or a younger child or children of my said son William Sparks at such time and times and in such manner and by such proportions as be my said son William Sparks shall by any deed or deeds or Will to be only executed in the presence of and attested by two or more credible witnesses direct or appoint And in default of such deed or Will then the said term to cease Item : I give and devise all that my Manor and Farm of Kisworth in the Parish of St Martin in the Borough of Wareham aforesaid with all and singular the messuage's cottages lands hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging (subject to the several charges thereon by this my Will as aforesaid) and also all that my said Messuage or dwellinghouse malthouse outhouses garden hereditaments and appurtenances to the same belonging situate in the Parish of St Peter in Dorchester aforesaid at a place there called the Bull Stake {i.e.North Square} now in the Occupation of Benjamin Tullidge and William Bower as my tenants thereof (subject also to the several charges thereon by this my Will as aforesaid) unto my said son Isaac Sparks and his assigns for and during the term of his natural life without impeachment of waste (except voluntary and permissive waste in houses) and from and after the determination of that estate by forfeiture or otherwise to the said John Light Bangor and William Churchill and their heirs during the natural life of my said son Isaac Sparks In Trust to preserve the contingent uses and estates hereinafter devised and limited from being defeated or destroyed and for that purpose to make entries or bring actions as occasion may require but nevertheless to permit and suffer the said Isaac Sparks and his assigns to receive and take the rents and profits thereof during his life and from and after the decease of my said son Isaac Sparks (subject as aforesaid) unto the said John Pinchard and Thomas Fisher their executors administrators and assigns for the term of five hundred years to and upon such Trusts and for such ends and purposes as hereinafter expressed concerning the same and subject thereto and to the other charges aforesaid I give the said Manor and Farm of Kisworth aforesaid with the rights members and appurtenances thereof and my said messuage or dwellinghouse with the hereditaments and appurtenances in St Peters in Dorchester aforesaid (subject as aforesaid) unto the first and every other son and sons of the body of the said Isaac Sparks lawfully to be begotten severally successively and in remainder one after another in order and course as they shall be in priority of birth and seniority of age And the heirs of the body and bodies of all and every such son and sons respectively lawfully issuing the eldest of such sons and the heirs of his body such always to be preferred and before the younger of such sons and their sons of and their body bodies And in default of such issue I devise the said Manor Farm Lands and Premises at Kisworth aforesaid and my said messuage or dwellinghouse with the hereditaments and appurtenances in St Peter in Dorchester aforesaid (subject as aforesaid) unto the daughter and daughters of the body of my said son Isaac Sparks lawfully to be begotten in manner hereinafter mentioned (that is to say) if only one such daughter to such only daughters and their heirs of her body lawfully issuing But If there shall be two or more such daughters Then to and amongst such daughters and their heirs of their bodies lawfully issuing as tenants in common and not as joint tenants and in default of such issue I give and devise The same unto my said son William Sparks his sons and assigns for ever (subject as aforesaid) And also charged and chargeable as to the last limitation remainder or reversion to my said son William in case such remainder or reversion ever becomes vested in lieu his heirs or assigns with the payment of the like clear annuity or yearly rent charge of twenty five pounds to my said son Joseph Sparks and his assigns for his life to commence from the time such remainder or reversion becomes so rested and be payable quarterly by even and equal portions with power of distress and sale of such distress or distresses when and so often as the same shall be in arrear and unpaid And as to the said last mentioned Term of Five hundred years so limited as aforesaid To the said John Pinchard and Thomas Fisher in Trust that they my said Trustees and the survivor of them his executors and administrators shall and do by sale or mortgage of the said last mentioned premises or any part thereof raise and levy such sum or sums and so much money for the portion and portions of a daughter or daughters or a younger child or children of my said son Isaac Sparks at such time and times and in such manner and by such proportions as he my said son Isaac Sparks shall by any deed or deeds or Will to be duly executed in the presence of and attested by two or more credible witnesses direct or appoint And in default of such deed or Will the said term to cease provided always and I declare my Will to be that the receipt or receipts of my said trustees John Pinchard and Thomas Fisher their executors and administrators in any sale or mortgage by virtue of the trusts hereby in them vested for the respective purposes of this my Will shall be a Sufficient discharge to any purchaser or Mortgages without subjecting such purchaser or purchasers or Mortgager to look to or to be answerable for the application misapplication or non application of such Mortgage or Purchase money provided And it is my Will that it shall and may be lawful to and for my said sons William Sparks and Isaac Sparks during their respective life times and after their deaths for such other person or persons as for the time being shall be entitled to and be in possession of the hereditaments and premises so devised as aforesaid respectively by Indenture under their respective bands and seals to demise or lease the same Farms lands messuage's hereditaments and premises which are or shall be in possession or in demesne and which are so respectively devised to them as aforesaid or such part or parts thereof whereof they shall respectively be in the actual possession or to the rents and profits whereof they shall be respectively entitled unto any person or persons for any term or number of years not exceeding twenty one years in possession and not in reversion or by way of future interest so as upon such leases there be reserved and made payable during the continuance thereof respectively the best improved yearly rent that can be reasonably had for the same without taking any sum or sums of money or other thing by way of fine or income for or in respect of such lease or leases And so as now of such leases be made dispunishable of haste by any express words therein to be contained And that in every such leases there be contained a clause of reentry for non-payment of the rent or rents to be thereby respectively reserved and that such lessees to whom such lease shall be made seal and deliver counter parts of such lease and leases provided also and it is my Will that it shall and may be lawful to and for the said William Sparks and Isaac Sparks respectively during their respective seizin and possession and after their respective deaths then for such person or persons as for the time being shall be in possession of the Manors and other the premises respectively so hereby devised as aforesaid under and by virtue of also limitations aforesaid to make and grant any estate or estates of and in all or any part of the said Manors messuage's cottages lands and tenements respectively (save only and except the said several Farms and the messuage or dwellinghouse with the appurtenances in St Peters in Dorchester and other the lands and hereditaments now in demesne in my own bands or possession or let at rack rent) by copy of Court Roll according to the Custom of the said Manors respectively or by Indenture of lease for one two or more life or lives or for any term or number of years to be determinable on the death or deaths of one two or three persons in possession so that there shall not be any more than three lives at any one time in being upon any such estate or estates and so as such lease or leases grant or grants shall not be made without impeachment of waste And so as in and upon every such Indenture or Lease and copy of Court Roll also ancient and accustomed rents heriots and services or more shall be reserved during the continuance of such leases or grants and copies of Court Roll and so as every such lessee do seal and execute a counterpart of his lease And I do empower my said sons William Sparks and Isaac Sparks respectively during their resolution of service and possession by any deed or writing deeds or meriting under their respective bands and seals attested by two or more credible witnesses to grant settle limit or appoint any part or parts of the said Manor messuage's farms lands or hereditaments so respectively devised as aforesaid unto or in Trust for or to the use of any woman or women with whom my said Sons or either of them shall happen to intermarry either before or after such Marriage either for the life or lives of such woman or women or for raising an annuity or yearly rent charge for her or them or for her or their jointure or jointures or in part of jointure And I further direct that the several Trustees under this my Will any or either of them their any or either of their executors or administrators shall not be charged or chargeable with or accountable for any more of the aforesaid trust estates monies and premises than they respectively shall actually receive or shall come to their respective hands by virtue of this my Will nor with or for any loss which shall happen with the same estates monies and premises or any part thereof so as such loss happen without their respective wilful default nor any one of them for the others or other of them of or acts deeds receipts or disbursements of the others or other of them but each of them only for his own acts deeds receipts or disbursements And also that it should be lawful for them my said several Trustees respectively and each and every of them their and each and every of their executors and administrators in the first place by and out of the said several Trusts estates monies and premises to deduct and reimburse himself and themselves respectively all such loss costs and expenses as they or either of them shall respectively sustain expend or be put unto for or by reason of the said several Trusts hereby in them reposed or in any wise relating thereunto All the rest and residue of my messuage's farms land tenements and hereditaments goods chattels monies mortgages in fee and mortgages and securities for money and all other my real and personal estate and estates whatsoever and wheresoever and of what nature or kind soever (after payment of my just debts funeral charges and the several legacies sum and sums of money by me given and bequeathed I give devise and bequeath the same and every part thereof and all my estate and interest therein into them my said two Sons William Sparks and Isaac Sparks respectively and their respective heirs executors and administrators equally to be divided between them as tenants in common and not as joint tenants and to and for their respective and absolute use and benefit And do constitute and appoint them my said sons William Sparks and Isaac Sparks to be joint Executors of this my last Will and Testament And Lastly I do hereby commit the Guardianship and Tuition of my said three daughters Lucy, Martha and Miriam during their respective minorities to my said Wife and in case of her death before any or either of my said three daughters shall attain the age of twenty one years then to my said two sons and executors above named the said William Sparks and Isaac Sparks and my said daughter Sarah Sparks In Witness whereof I the said Isaac Sparks the Testator have to the seven first sheets of this my Last Will and Testament contained in eight sheets of paper set my hand and to the last sheet thereof have set my Band and Seal the day and year first above written Isaac Sparks is Signed Sealed Published and declared by the said Isaac Sparks the Testator as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who at his request and in his presence and in the presence of each other have subscribed our names as Witnesses thereunto A EDWARDS - Thos Gould Read - Wm Hunt This Will was Proved at London the Eighteenth Day of February in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty eight before the Right Worshipful Peter Calvert Doctor of Law Master Keeper of Commissary of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury lawfully constituted by the Oaths of William Sparks and Isaac Sparks the sons of the deceased and executors named in the said Will to whom Administration was granted of all and Singular the Goods Chattels and Credits of the said deceased having been first sworn by Commission duly to administer Family Background:- ![]() 1st Marriage of Isaac SPARKS to Martha STUCKEY 11th Sep 1754 at Langport Somerset His first marriage as shown above was to Martha STUCKEY of Langport Somerset under a marriage settlement dated 11 Sep 1754 (1). Martha is said to have died on 22nd Nov 1757 (probably from childbirth) as she returned to her home parish of Langport where she was interred on 30th Nov 1757 (Nat Burial Index). Children from this marriage:-
(1.2) Elizabeth Sparks (c1756/7-1760) was buried at St Georges Church in Fordington on 21 Nov 1760 recorded as a daughter of Isaac and Martha Sparks. If she had lived she would have shared in the £1,000 agreed under her mothers marriage settlement. His name appears in the Quarter Session Records of Dorset held Bridport on 7th Oct 1771 when he is described as' Isaac Sparks Gentleman; Lord of the Manor of Langton Herring in Dorset' when the Court endorsed his appointment of John Downe of Langton Herring Yeoman as his gamekeeper with full power and authority to kill game for his use; and also to take and seize all such guns, bows, greyhounds, setting dogs etc as shall be kept or used by any person or persons who by law are prohibited to keep or use the same during his will and pleasure. Also in the Quarter Sessions held at Dorchester on 15th Sep 1781 when he is usefully described as 'Isaac Sparks of Forthington in the County of Dorset Gentleman; Lord of the Manor of Kesworth situated in the parish of St Martins in Wareham when the Court endorses his appointment of Thomas Crocker of Kesworth Yeoman to be his gamekeeper. The Presbyterian Chapel in Dorchester had no burial ground so most burials took place in the graveyard at St Georges Church in Fordington. Isaac was buried at Fordington on 21 Jan 1787/8 followed by Miriam his 2nd wife on 2 May 1811.
(1.4) Joseph Sparks (1762-1838)- said to have been born 19th Mar 1762 but not located a baptism. Residual legatee in 1763 in the Will of Joseph Manuel Gentleman of Beer Regis in Dorset. Benficiary under his fathers Will in 1788, along with his 3 sisters Lucy, Martha and Miriam, of 'Langton Higher Farm'. He is also left in his own right his estate and interest in the tenement called 'Bonnitts' at Rime. He was also a beneficiary under his brother William's will written on 5th Nov 1828 in which he is left £100 and £25 pa for life. Joseph SPARKS was buried at Crewkerne Somerset on 23rd July 1838 when his age was given as being 76. (1.5) Lucy Sparks (1763-1763) bap P/Chapel 12 Oct 1763 and buried at St Georges church graveyard Fordington on 18 Oct 1763. (1.6) Isaac Sparks (1766-1841) bap P/Chapel 10 Mar 1766. He was indentured to an Attorny of his Majesties Court of the Kings Bench named John Hayne BOVET - as a Clerk in the practices of an Attorney and Solicitor on 24th May 1782. Appointed trustee in his fathers Will in 1788, and main beneficiary with his elder brother William. Isaac married Loveday Lawry COX (d.1865) at Crewkerne in Somerset by licence on the 11th Feb 1806 and they raised a family of 7 children at East Street in Crewkerne. He is a beneficiary under his brother William's Will written on the 5th Nov 1829 when he leaves him a third of his estate and makes him joint executor with his sister Miriam. He wrote his Will PROB 11/1950 on 29th May 1837 and died 26 Apr 1841 his will being proved in London by his widow on 7th Aug 1841. He was buried at Crewkerne on 3rd May 1841 (CLDS Film 1526554) followed by Loveday who died on 2nd Sep 1865 and was buried at St Bartholomews church in Crewkerne on the 8th. She left just under £3,000 in her Will with probate granted to her sons William and John Sparks Gentlemen on 10th May 1866. (1.6.1) Loveday Sparks born about Nov 1806 she was baptised at St Bartholomew's church in crewkerne on 2nd Jan 1807 aged 2 months. (1.6.2) William Sparks born about July 1808 he was baptised at Crewkerne on 28th Oct 1808 aged 15 weeks. Buried there 10th Mar 1809. (1.6.3) William Sparks born about Mar 1810 baptised at Crewkerne 5th July 1810 . He was living at Crewkerne a widower in Mar 1851 aged 40 an Attorny and Solicitor (1.6.4) Mary Sparks born about May 1811 she was baptised at Crewkerne on 22nd August 1811 aged 3 months; she was still unmarried aged 39 and living with her brother William and her mother in East Street in 1851. (1.6.5) Isaac Sparks born on 5th Mar 1813 he was baptised at Crewkerne on 8th July 1813. (1.6.6) Lucy Sparks born on 28th July 1814 and baptised St Bartholomew's church at Crewkerne on11th ctober 1814; still unmarried aged 26 and living with her mother in East Street in 1841. (1.6.7.) John Sparks born 27th Dec 1816 baptised at Crewkerne on 12th March 1817. (1.7) Rebekah Sparks (1767-1767) bap P/Chapel 25 May 1767 and buried at St Georges church graveyard Fordington on 6 Nov 1767. (1.8) Lucy Sparks (1769- aft 1788 ?) bap P/Chapel 12 Jul 1769, Benficiary under her fathers Will in 1788, along with her brother Jospeh and 2 sisters Martha and Miriam, of 'Langton Higher Farm'. She is left in her own right the reversionary estate and interests in all that copyhold tenement within the Manor of Fordington called a 'Farthinghold' . Also £200 when she is 21 years old. (1.9) Rebekkah Sparks (1770-1773) bap P/Chapel 25 Oct 1770, and buried at St Georges church graveyard Fordington on 17 Sep 1773. (1.10) Martha Sparks (1772-1810?) born 21 Sep 1772, bap P/Chapel 21 Oct 1772, Benficiary under her fathers Will in 1788, along with her brother Jospeh and 2 sisters Lucy and Miriam, of 'Langton Higher Farm.' She is also left in her right the copyhold messuages or tenement situate inf the Manor of Rime called 'Ivor Hill' after the widowhood her mother, Also £200 who she is 21 years old. Also another £150 which should have been included in his fathers Will in 1778 but omitted in error. Martha married to James HILL (1773-1810) from the parish of Chard in Somerset at St Georges Church in Fordington on 11th Aug 1796. They had 5 children between 1801 and 1810. Although this would require further research I think she may be the Martha HILL that was buried at Combe St Nicholas in Somerset (situated close to Chard) on 20th May 1810. Her brother William's Will written 5th Nov 1828 confirms that she has died and leaves a third of his estate to her children. (1.11) John Sparks (1774- 1774) born on 20 Feb 1774 and baptised at the P/Chapel on 1 Apr 1774. He was buried at St Georges church graveyard Fordingtonn on 16 Dec 1774. (1.12) John Sparks (1775-1776) bap P/Chapel 2nd June 1775 and buried at St Georges church graveyard Fordington on 26 Feb 1776. (1.13) Elizabeth Sparks (1778-1780) bap P/Chapel 15 Nov 1778 and buriedat St Georges church graveyard Fordington on 27 Jun 1780. (1.14) Miriam Sparks (1782-1854) born on the 28 Mar 1782 she was baptised at the Presbyterian Chapel in Pease Lane in Dorchester on 24 Apr 1782. She was a benficiary under her fathers Will in 1788, along with her brother Jospeh and 2 sisters Martha and Lucy, of 'Langton Higher Farm'. She was also left an annuity of £8 per annum until she is 21 years old when she, like her sisters, got another £200. She was also bequeathed another £150 which should have been provided for in his fathers Will in 1778 but omitted as she had not been born. Miriam married to Robert STEMBRIDGE in his parish of Chard in Somerset by licence on 13th April 1820. Her brother William's will written 5th Nov 1828 confirms her marriage and widowhood and leaves a third of his estate to her only son William Sparks Stembridge whilst making her joint executor with her brother Isaac. Their son William Sparks STEMBRIDGE gained the freedom of the City of London on 29th Oct 1864 when he is recorded as occupying premises at Ducksport Lane in Upper Thames Street and carrying on business as a merchant. The 1861 Census for sydenham in Kent comfirms him as an East India Mechant and marruied with several children. Miriam lived to be 73 and was buried at Norwood Road Cemetery in Lambeth on 4th Dec 1854 when her abode was given as being New Road Camberwell.. Genealogical Notes:- (1) 1st Marriage of Isaac Sparks (1727-1778) - Dorset History Centre Ref D/SBS/F11 1754 (2) 2nd Marriage of Isaac Sparks (1727-1778) - Church of Latter Day Saints Film No. 1279480 (3) John JACOBS Junior (c1722-1797), a mercer by trade, was his brother-in-law, the husband of his sister Rebecca SPARKS (c1732-1766) whom he had married nearby in the parish of Stinsford on 8 Nov 1750. John was the son of John JACOB The Elder (1686-1759), also a mercer, by his wife Sarah nee COAD (d.1771). (4) Joseph MANUEL (1734-1799) was born 26 Feb 1734 and baptised in Bloxworth Dorset on 29th March. He was the elder brother of Miriam MANUEL (1738-1811) the 2nd wife of Isaac Sparks. She was born 4 Dec 1738 and baptised Bloxworth on the 26th of the same month. Joseph Manuel died in 1799 and documents regarding administration of his estate are held at the Swindon and Wiltshire Archives. Ref P5/1799/15 & P5/18Reg/280C and available on line. A transcription of the Will of their father who was also called Joseph MANUEL which is dated 8 Jan 1763 and was proved 9 Apr 1764 , is available via this link. (5). 'Rime' is mentioned in the Will several times. This is referring to property at Ryme Intrinsica. Confirmatory evidence exists of the Sparks family living there e.g. at the National Archives. See Misc. papers DD\SB/6/1 1828-1912 (6) Others mentioned in the Will are:-
2. John Pinchard Gentleman of Shapwick. - Cousin. 3. Thomas Fisher of Dorchester. Grocer 4. William Churchill Esq. of Dorchester -Friend 5. Benjamin Tullidge of St Peter’s Parish, Dorchester. Tenant. 6. William Bower of St Peter’s Parish, Dorchester. Tenant. 7. James Hardy Tenant at Langton Higher Farm 8. James Powell Bonnitts tenement at Rime. 9. John Jerrard Tenant of farm at Langton Herring. 10. A EdwardsSignatory witness 11. Thomas Gould Signatory witness 12. William Hunt Signatory witness |